There are moments of impact in each person's life that are critical to defining who we are and who we become. As travelers of this world, as purveyors of the land, members of a society.
Many times as the pages of our lives continue to unfold, we are so unraveled in the details, in the nuances of the everyday that we almost forget. The moments which shape us into the entity we see, the moments which mold our decisions or are lack their of, the moments our souls call home.
Chrivi,souvent la vie nous oblige ou nous donne le choix de vivre parfaitement. en fixant toutes sortes de choses nous ne pouvons même pas regarder ce que l'avenir nous réserve car c'est le passé et le présent qui comptent seulement à nos yeux. Essaies d'avoir le coeur pur et l'esprit calme afin de vivre ce beau cadeau.